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Development Progress Blog

Progress Is Being Made

The new torpedo, missile, and mine counters are in the hands of my caster. Also three types of plasma weapon counters are also being cast, and a new type of missile counter.

Fighters for the Jun-ila and Kikoku are also in the caster's hands, so those should be making a debut by Gencon.

Warstars are in stock now, as well as the new Searcher. Rattlehead games should have those miniature available soon as soon as I can take some pictures and get him set up - as well as add those figures to my hyperdyne astronautics page.

Another Galactica-inspired design will be making its appearance soon too. More to come on that front.

I'm starting to push to get the human ships developed so that I can get them to a modeler to get the process going. I hope to have the first of those being modeled by the end of the month.


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New Counters Being Worked On

I've started work on the new counters and have made some promising progress toward the new basing method to be used for them and fighters.


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In Development Page Updated

The In Development page progress bars have been updated. There just might be a few new items in there...


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Progress is slow as always

Problems with the prototyping machine, plus working 6 day weeks at the day job, has slowed down a lot of things these past two weeks.

I'm told production molds for the new magnetic adapters may be ready late next week. The new master molds should be ready now and it takes some time to cast masters, clean them up, and make the production molds.

Micro adapter castings are in-hand but I have not had a chance to do all the things that needs to be done to make them sell-able. I still need to do the packaging, update my retailer order form, take product photos of them for catalogs and advertising and so on. Some of that will be done tomorrow...I hope.


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Adapters On Their Way

Progress on the new two-piece adapters is sounding promising. There is a technical casting glitch affecting three of the pieces, but it is a problem with the mold, not a design issue. This means the new adapters should become available (along with the long-awaited 30 and 60 degree angle adapters) in the beginning of January.

The new micro-adapters are also almost ready. They should become available also in the beginning of January.

Castings of the Jun-ila Auxiliary, Hyperdyne Devastator and Hyperdyne Warden are on their way and will be put up for sale before Christmas!


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Continuing Developments

The jun-ila auxiliary ship, hyperdyne astronautics Warden and Devastator are nearly ready, as are the new micro-adapters. The molds I hear are done and so castings should be arriving soon.

I have sent off a new master for the colony ship to get molded and those will be available again for purchase soon.

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